Special Thanks and all due credit to the following sources, both visual and written:
- “AJsRealms”
- Brad Wilder & the Star Trek Design Project
- “CaptShade”
- Chuck Graham
- Franz Joseph
- Fred & Stan Goldstein
- Geoffrey Mandel
- “Gundam1701”
- John Patuto & Cygnus-X1
- John W. Bullerwell
- Kris “Reverend” Trigwell
- Mike Okuda
- Neal “Vance” Davidson (also: Jaynz’ – as archived)
- “Nichodo”
- Rahadyan Sastrowardoyo
- Richard E. Mandel
- Rick Sternbach
- Steven S. Long
- “The Red Admiral”
- Timo Saloniemi
- Tobias Richter
- Todd Guenther
- “ViperAviator”
This list will grow as we expand our releases.
(Last updated with SRM Report #308.)
Last Updated on 2403.20 by admin