- Main impulse engines are reclassified via “class” rather than “type”; former Type 2, 3A, 5, and 5A are reclassified as Class 1, 2, 3, and 3A respectively.
- Advances in materials science and warp engine dynamics allows Star Fleet to discard the less-efficient horizontal chamber in favor of wholly vertical warp cores, except in those designs where the size or configuration of a ship necessitates a horizontal core.
- Aboard private Denevan testbed ship ”SS Resonance”, a major breakthrough in warp technology is achieved by disconnecting the phase locks of the ship’s exceptionally tight-tolerance and high-sensitivity warp field coils for extended periods of time. The observing engineers locate several natural minima in the warp field energy input curve following the allowance for overlapping, multiphasic fields.
- Star Fleet engineers initiate a program to examine the newly discovered natural phenomenon of warp field energy minima in regards to subspace and to develop a multiphasic warp coil.
- With the decommissioning of the last Pompey subclass destroyer, the service of the Syracuse class to Star Fleet appears to be done. (Sixteen Siva Flight II ships are mothballed as of 2375.)

Last Updated on 2403.27 by admin