- A cessation of hostilities with the Klingons is mandated by the Organians.
- The Altair system inaugurates a new president, which helps stabilize the region.
- The final Burke and Aldrin Flight III frigates and Magellan subclass scout cruisers are decommissioned.
- Sixteen pirate attacks are connected to Orion activity all along the crucial Rigel shipping lane and several dozen more are suspected of having been committed by Orions.
- USS Niantic (NCC-1105, Miramar heavy scout) is lost in action on the hunting grounds of an alien planet-eating device.
- USS Constellation (NCC-1017, Constitution heavy cruiser) is sacrificed in order to destroy the Doomsday Machine.
- The logistics of supporting the anti-piracy efforts becomes extremely difficult.

Last Updated on 2403.25 by admin