- USS New America (NCC-2706, Loknar frigate) tractors to safety a Federation starliner that had suffered an impulse drive malfunction on approach of Procyon and was in danger of plunging into the chromosphere of the star with 400 people aboard.
- USS Sverdlov (NCC-1238, Coventry strike frigate) fails to return from a test run of the new PB-51 series engines.
- A concerted effort is made to save the megesti, an energy-hungry spaceborne species endemic to the Algol system.
- USS Inuit (NCC-747, Cahuya survey cruiser) is lost in the Azha system to consumption by a spaceborne lifeform of a type common in the region (though, at the time, it was presumed to be due to an encounter with Klingons).
Last Updated on 2403.25 by admin