- The fourth flight of Durance class transports, the Chryse subclass, enters service with the UE Starfleet.
- When Romulan forces are feared to reach Earth, frantic measures are taken to step up local defenses. Numerous outdated Djartannas are summoned to act as shields for the homeworld. Several engagements with Romulan advance forces end in Romulan retreat, but Starfleet now has to assume the enemy has accurate knowledge of the inner worlds and their defenses.
- The Ganges class destroyers are pressed to system defense service and begin to fight their battles under impulse power.
- Tacticians surmise that almost a hundred of the forward colonies and outposts will have to be abandoned and new defense lines formed closer to Earth. As this will result in eventual defeat, an offensive strategy is researched.
- UESS Candace (S-5665, Mercury class) is destroyed when the repair dock it was occupying is suicide-bombed by Romulan missile boats.
- The lease on the UESS Pirithous is allowed to lapse and the ship is returned to Vulcan.
- Following severe battle damage, UESS Enterprise (NX-01, class lead) is recalled to Earth for an experimental overhaul.
Last Updated on 2403.31 by admin