- UESS Kaiser (FC-87, Siebel strike transport) is lost to structural failure during Exercise Deep Vigil.
- The Berengarian counteroffensive denies the Romulans a swift and categorical victory. Seven Daedalus corvettes are lost during the operation.
- The Andorian Empire formally withdraws from any conflict with the Romulans.
- The first of six Mercury class scouts (in one year) is lost, presumably to Romulan action.
- Admiral Rex Gunther, aboard his flagship, meets a solitary Romulan U-13 class cruiser near Eta Leonis VI. Instead of attacking, Admiral Gunther follows President Thorpe’s instructions by opening known Romulan hailing frequencies and warning the invading ship of his orders. Gunther gives the Romulan government six months to respond; otherwise, it means war. Though the Romulan ship does not communicate, it is permitted to depart with the warning. This marks the sole meeting of Earth and Romulan warships without bloodshed on either side.
- Since Admiral Gunther issued his warning, at least one allied warship has remained in the vicinity of Eta Leonis VI awaiting a Romulan response. The UESS Patton, a brand-new Marshall class destroyer, is the ship on picket duty when three U-15 class cruisers close and, while decelerating, open fire. The Patton‘s Captain Joseph Spadora makes one transmission before a single guided missile hits the side of the ship, completely disintegrating it. Spadora’s message is received by other vessels in the area and relayed throughout the region. The Romulans’ intentions are clear, and war is officially declared.
- Earth attempts to persuade Andor to commit to a policy of mutual defense in the developing conflict against the Romulans, sending Admiral Palmieri onboard UESS Fomalhaut to open discussions. As a result, covert aid to Earth was granted until they overtly rejoin the conflict in 2159.
- The third flight of Durance class transports, the Redstone subclass, enters service with the UE Starfleet.
- On the most endangered shipping lanes, convoying is changed from constant escort to relay tactics.
- The Durance class transports start receiving upgrades with laser turrets.
- The SP-56 Class D1/SP-36 light atmospheric/spatial shuttles are removed from embarked shipboard service upon their replacement onboard UESS Union.
Last Updated on 2403.31 by admin