- The Starfleet Corps of Engineers is considered to have been founded on the first day of the year by a team of engineers building Starbase 1.
- Starbase 1 opens for operations.
- The period of clandestine-only attacks against non-Romulan shipping comes to an end and the great offensive towards the heartspace of Earth and its allies begins. The first punitive missions against the Romulans are mounted.
- Attacks against Earth colonies are generally seen as the beginning of the historic Romulan War.
- The Romulans order Terrans out of the Algeron system (the location of Starbase 1) via subspace radio.
- Starbase 1 is lost in a long-reaching Romulan attack.
- The UESS Goddard (Edison class) is lost.
- Alpha Centauri, Andor, Earth, Tellar, Vulcan, and minor worlds (including Axanar and Kaferia) approve the first draft of an agreement for an alliance to be formed for trade, cultural exchange, and for mutual protection.
- ECS Kobayashi Maru is lost to an apparent Klingon attack.
- After almost 100 years in their initial location relatively near Earth (but without any contact with the planet), the spacebound Neyel colonists encounter a spatial interphase rift that deposits them a thousand times farther from home—in the Small Magellanic Cloud, 200,000 light years from the Milky Way Galaxy.
- Construction begins on the first of the Redstone subclass transports.
Last Updated on 2403.31 by admin